More and more infants and toddlers are spending time each day in some
type of child care setting. All children—especially infants and
toddlers—need a child care setting where they can thrive with caregivers
who understand how to promote their healthy growth and development.
Young children need a schedule that is responsive to their needs, including appropriate stimulation and time to rest. They need to be talked to and played with. They need love and attention. And they need the opportunity to form the kind of comfortable, secure relationship with a caregiver that will nurture their healthy emotional development.
One who hugs, rocks, cuddles, seeks eye contact and enjoys the
child…who responds to the baby’s smiles and emerging skills and
interests…who finds ways to expand upon children’s play to help them
learn new skills…who is sociable and interested in children. One who
talks with the baby about what they do and see… a playful partner who
introduces new ideas, objects and games…who supports children in
building relationships with other children and adults.
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Young children need a schedule that is responsive to their needs, including appropriate stimulation and time to rest. They need to be talked to and played with. They need love and attention. And they need the opportunity to form the kind of comfortable, secure relationship with a caregiver that will nurture their healthy emotional development.
A Good Caregiver...
Is Loving and Responsive
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