Growing tall is a dream for many and now all are blessed to grow tall. If you are tall, then you become a symbol of attraction. Men who are tall, dark and handsome are loved by all and women are considered to be beautiful if they are tall and slender. But, your height depends on your genetics to a certain extent. If you have short parents, it is more than unlikely that you grow to be a tall man or a woman of six and a half feet. But, this does not mean that you will not be able to grow taller than the average height. Generally the height of a person is said to stop growing once he or she says goodbye to teenage years. If you have crossed the teenage years and are still looking to grow up by a few inches, then you will be happy to know that there is a way out.
It is important for you to follow a balanced diet if you have any ambitions of adding a few more inches to your height. Vegetables play a major role in helping you to take a balanced diet and they also help in proper functioning of the body apart from providing good health. They help in maintaining the proper secretions of hormones of the body. Are you aware that you will be able to increase your height by a few inches if you are able to include the right amount of vegetables in your diet? The following are some of the vegetables that will help you to gain a few inches in height naturally.
1. Turnips
Turnips are found to be rich in growth hormones and intake of turnips on a regular basis will help in boosting your height. They are normally grown in the temperate regions of the world and are found all over the world. Turnips are rich in vitamins, minerals, fibers, proteins, cholesterol and fat.